Chasing Kanji - 感情を追って

An American's travel traumas

On the Road Again  

What is it about moving that I enjoy so much? I know that all my friends and family come close to abhorring it. It's not the packing that I love so much, and definitely not the unpacking. But all the parts that surround those events make me happy.

Getting ready for a move. This part is fun because it usually involves apartment and/or house hunting. Even if you know where you are moving to, just looking is a good weekend activity to keep an eye on what's out there on the market. It is family time without spending any money (other than the gas it takes to get you to the various places). It's turning up the radio and singing along. And it's getting to take tours of places that you're curious about.

Then there is the packing. Some might describe this as a chore. I don't disagree, but it's not so bad if you make it fun. This time around, we popped in Christopher's newest CD, Sigh No More by Mumford and Sons and worked on getting everything in the appropriate pile to be donated, tossed, stored, or kept for use. Oh man, did we get some use out of that CD between Christmas day and moving day.

Next step is the moving. We are lucky to always have helping hands willing to spend a day moving stuff around in exchange for some pizza and good company. The physical activity is fun to me; so I would not call this part a chore. In fact, I offer my services as box lackey as often as I can to nomadic friends. No one seems to be as nomadic as we are. But maybe they just can't see the appeal. ;) By the way, our excellent planning and rock star friends had us moved in a matter of a few hours. We picked up the U-Haul at 10am and were completely done with cleaning before 3:30pm. We had the bed made in the new place by 6pm, and had the room laid out the way we wanted by the following evening.

Then comes the unpacking. I would have to say this is my least favorite part. Similarly, I've never minded doing the dishes and putting them in the washing machine. However, I've always hated putting the clean dishes away.

Overall, I'd have to say the best feeling is the consolidation and purging of stuff. I'm not a big "stuff" person, and I don't like to hang on to things. Just ask Christopher, things lay around too long and I'll likely take them to Goodwill or give them to a friend/neighbor. That doesn't mean I treat my stuff poorly or don't appreciate knick-knacks, antiques, and the like. I just like for the stuff I have to be useful in some way. If it's hanging on the wall making us happy, then it's useful. If it's sitting on the end table because there is no better place for it collecting dust, then it's not useful. If it's in the closet for 4 seasons having not been worn, it's not useful.

Overall, this move was a successful one. And I'm appreciative of the good music, good friends, and good planning that made it so.

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