Chasing Kanji - 感情を追って

An American's travel traumas

Halloween Already?  

First, my dog just ate something off the side of my ottoman. What is was or why it was there, I have no idea. I'm actually hoping it was a crumb of some kind that had managed to stick in that particular spot, because at least then it would be food. However, this is not the point of this post. A while back I posted that I thought I may be seeing some early signs of Carpal Tunnel. I went to the specialist for an appointment and was referred out to a testing center where they could perform a Nerve Conduction Study (NCS).

When the doctor told me he was sending me out for this, I replied, "Is that with electrodes?" He said it was. Me, "Oh, that sounds cool." Him, "Actually it's painful." So, I went expecting pain. The first thing the technician said was not to worry about pain, because it wasn't anything other than a little zap. He thought it was strange my doc told me it was painful. There is a more painful test that involves sticking needles in your arm (an EMG), but I didn't have to have that done.

The technician started by drawing little dots on my arm with Sharpie and putting some goo on the end of the zapper. I'm absolutely positive there are technical names for these things, but why use them when there are awesome words like "goo" and "zapper" that work just as well?

He then proceeded to zap my arm multiple times. In some cases it was just one zap, and in others it was 10 zaps in a row. In every case, my hand spasmed uncontrollably. As this was happening, a graph appeared on the computer screen that was the product of the zaps. Apparently, the doctors will look for variation in the amount of time it takes the electrical current to reach the receiving pads that are stuck on the fingers/palm from the point of entry (marked in Sharpie on my arm). Also as this was happening, my reaction of choice was to laugh. I really couldn't help it, since my hand was moving without my commanding it to do so; it seemed funny. I think the technician preferred this reaction to patients who are completely anxious and make the testing difficult. It definitely didn't tickle, it was in fact painful - just not enough to worry about. It was maybe a 1 or a 2 in some cases on a pain scale of 10. And, the zaps were so short, they were over by the time the pain registered anyway.

I have no idea if I passed or failed this test. I'll find out when I go back to the doctor and hear his interpretation of the results.

In other news, Renn's dental appointment went well. The poor thing came home and literally grumbled for the rest of the day. I'm talking the full day from the time he got home until the time we went to bed. He had pain killer and antibiotics for the scaling that had been done. The pain killer really seemed to sedate him and pretty much knock him out. He's finally completed all that medication, and he only has two more doses of antibiotic left. He has a little shaved patch of hair on his arm from where they put the IV. He wasn't his usual attractive and charming self at Barktober Fest the next day. But I ran that event by the vet before taking him. She didn't have a problem with it.

Barktober Fest was lots of fun :) Renn got to see Paisley and hang out. We walked around the booths and participated in the walk around the lake. It wasn't all that cold, but it was rainy off and on. We arrived just before noon. At 1:18pm, the emcee came over the loud speaker and let everyone know there was a tornado warning. That pretty much ended the show. All people and doggies headed for their cars. As I was sitting in line to get out of the parking lot, the downpour came. An hour and 15 minutes was not a bad amount of time to spend there, so I'm glad I went. It was just somewhat of an abrupt ending. Also, while we were there, we saw a little doggie for adoption. (There were lots of little doggies for adoption, but this one called out to me). He'd been in an accident but was saved by the Frisco Humane Society. He had pretty bad road rash, but was in the latter stages of recovery. Such a cutie, medium sized mix with grey/white hair, face of a terrier. We're ok being a one dog family for now, but he'll make some family very happy.

As for Halloween, I have no plans for the day of. However, I will be dressing up for work tomorrow. I'm going as the bride from Kill Bill. I'm really only half-dressing up though, because the pants of the costume that I have are tight and would make me feel uncomfortable at work. So, on bottom I'll be wearing jeans, but on top I'll be wearing a bright yellow jacket with black stripes down each arm. I'll also carry a staff, because swords are HR inappropriate. Happy Halloween!

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Forward Ho!  

Since the daily high is out of the 90s, seemingly for good, it appears that fall is here. Or at least what Texans can call fall. I'm very cold when I walk Renn in the mornings; so, I started wearing my track pants and hoodie. By the afternoon, I'm in a t-shirt again. I don't really mind changing a lot during the day, but it does mean I have more laundry to do at the end of the week. Anyway, the point is that seasons are changing and I'm looking forward to what the rest of the year has to offer.

Renn will be the center of attention over the next week. On Friday, he's got an appointment at the vet for his physical, heartworm screening, vaccination update, and dental work. Poor little guy. He'll have to stay at the vet all day since they give little doggies anesthesia for dental work. Makes sense, otherwise they wouldn't sit still long enough. It's only through sheer will power that I sit still long enough when I'm in the dentist's chair. Then Saturday, BARKTOBER FEST!!!! I'm so excited. Renn will get to hang out with his friend Paisley for most of the day (or at least a couple of hours), and I'll get to walk around the booths and see what's going on in this little shindig. Emma may or may not also make an appearance. It should be tons of fun.

At work, we'll have a new training class at the end of the month as well, which is good for me because I like being busy, and it's definitely one of the more fun aspects of my job. Also in October, a friend's birthday, which should be good times.

In November, we're headed to California for Thanksgiving. We've rented a car and will make a short road trip out of the first two or three days before spending the rest of the time with family. I love road trips with my husband! And family time is good too since we haven't spent a long holiday with them in a couple of years. I certainly feels like a long time. I'm sure we'll also spend some time with family here in Texas at some point. Not to mention, we've been pretty good about heading out to new restaurants with friends every two or three weeks. I've been enjoying going out. Which reminds me, last week we went to Mr. Sushi in Addison for drinks (plum wine, mmmmmmm) before dinner at the Thai Orchid a few doors down with a friend. It was such a fun night. I can't wait for a repeat performance.

And, of course there's December. I have days off from work sprinkled in the month. I like having 4-day work weeks. Who doesn't?

So all in all, the rest of the year is shaping up to be fantastic! Now.. what to do this weekend.... ;)

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Average is Overrated  

This is just a repost from my favorite blogging personal trainer. A little motivation for your weekend. Original found here.

"The average American is overweight, has no college degree, makes about 32,000 per year, will go through at least one divorce, and will not live past the age of 78. Death will probably come by way of heart disease. Now why would you want to be simply average? Don’t be a “C student” when it comes to your life and your health. You can continue to make excuses, but that doesn’t change the consequence. Embrace the popular slogan and “just do it.” You won’t necessarily “feel like it” until you’ve been at it for a while. But don’t worry, the feelings with follow soon. Believe it or not, you will eventually enjoy not only the benefits of being healthy but also the process! Just remember it will take a little time."

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