Chasing Kanji - 感情を追って

An American's travel traumas

Business Trip  

In the past year, Christopher and I have been on 4 business trips collectively. Perhaps for some people that isn't a lot. For us, it is. Especially since 3 of those 4 have been made solo leaving the other person at home. What we've reinforced, that we certainly already knew, is that we don't like being apart.

Not only does being apart suck for all the lovey-dovey reasons you'd expect, but also for the mundane stuff that you don't. For example, I spent ALL WEEKEND cleaning. And with Christopher away that same weekend, I thought it was a perfect timing. Ok, well perhaps the all caps is a slight exaggeration, but I seriously cleaned. A war on dust was declared, and I was the victor. I even borrowed the world's best vacuum from a friend, because wars are not won on hopes alone. I called in backup (by having the maintenance guys replace the air filter at the A/C intake). And I sacrificed my knuckles for cleanliness. When I was finished, the place looked amazing, and I was exhausted. But then, I could only look around and say, "good job self, you're definitely going to breathe better now." But my victory was a little hollow without Christopher there to also marvel at the sparkling counter and dustless baseboards.

It's also very hard to be motivated to cook dinner for one. A couple of nights I did well by making a normal-sized dinner and separating portions out to eat as leftovers on subsequent days. But it's much more fun to make dinner for others.

On the other hand, the fact that being apart sucks is just another reason our marriage is awesome, right? There are probably couples out there who'd like time apart, and fortunately, that's not us.

In other news - the kickboxing groupon I bought is paying off. It was my first groupon purchase, and the fact that it has been successful makes me want to continue to rely on groupon and try out new places. I can't believe my month of kickboxing is almost over already. I have 5 more days to go to classes and burn about 500 calories each time. The women I have met there all seem cool. There are men too, but they don't seem to introduce themselves. For those of you in town, the first class is free. So, if you'd like to go in the next 5 days with me, give me a call. And, I'll be filling you in on the next groupon activity in due time, I'm sure.

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