Birthdays for Everyone
My birthday happened over a month ago now. And, if you read this blog, you were probably there for part of the day. Unless you're a cyberstalker. In which case, you wouldn't have been invited. Maybe next year. It was an amazing day all around. I decided to do a birthday crawl and invited my friends and family to stuff that I felt like doing all day long.
It started out with manis and pedis. Then lunch at the Salad Stop. After that, we hit up Starbucks and drove to the aquarium. There were too many people to be able to efficiently move through the aquarium as a group, but we tried! Then, there was a break for a little while until dinner, coffee, and cake at the Global Peace Factory.
We'be been very social lately. Much more social than normal, and that's a good thing because we are seeing our friends more than quarterly. We still like our homebody time. And last night we decided to watch Jonah Hex, which had been in our Netflix queue. We popped some popcorn and turned out the lights, movie-theater style.
The movie was much better than I anticipated. I knew absolutely nothing about the comic or the story, in general. But the action sequences were good, and the main characters were believable in their roles. I really liked the make-up on Jonah Hex, because he had a whole in his mouth where you could see his teeth, and I think whoever the makeup artists were did a really good job.
I also liked Megan Fox as the independent hooker. I don't know her from anything else as I have not seen Transformers. And, her character was one-dimensional. Nevertheless, she complimented the guy who played Jonah Hex well.
This past weekend, we both had an appt with the optometrist. I decided a while back that I wanted to switch back to contacts. I haven't worn contacts as my primary form of vision correction in many years. I've had back-up contacts that are an old prescription since 2004 (Yes, I know. You don't have to tell me about the dangers of keeping contacts around past their life span.). And, I wore them when going to places where I wanted to see, but couldn't wear glasses (like the pool). But I'm ready to switch back and wear contacts daily only using my glasses at the end of the day when my eyes are tired. Plus, my prescription didn't change at all since last year, so my glasses don't need any replacing. Anyway, the next time you see me, you'll see my whole face instead of my face with glasses. Get excited.
And speaking of birthdays, I had no idea how many people I know have fall birthdays! You'd think that it wouldn't be surprising since it was the same last year. But, it definitely feels like the majority of the people I know are having birthday-related celebrations. Hopefully they are enjoying their birthdays as much as I did mine!