A well deserved congratulations to our friends and family who seem to be taking life by the horns! Pretty much every week someone passes along some good news about either themselves or someone else. That rocks. Due to all the wealth of happiness being shared by the people around me, I have been motivated to think more seriously about volunteering and what I can do to improve DFW. Below are some options...
North Texas Poodle Rescue. I have no idea why poodles would need to be rescued as they are adorable, loving family members. However, the reality is that many animals need care and love as they are regularly abandoned. I think I would quite easily open myself to the needs of the dogs (my co-workers call me the Dog Whisperer - well not all the time) and be able to help in many ways. Although, Christopher brought up an excellent point when we discussed this; I would very quickly see myself bringing home some puppies on a regular basis. Win-Win you say? Perhaps, but we are going to stay a one-dog family for now.
AFS. An excellent choice for volunteerism as I participated in this program myself as a high school student. We would not need to host a student; however, there are other opportunities to help out such as being a buddy/liaison to an exchange student, organizing events, and coordinating airport drop-off/pick-ups.
Church activities. An interesting idea as I've yet to call a church home in the area; although, I've visited a few. Generally, churches have many volunteer opportunities; however, some of them may require being in proximity to children. Since I'm looking to spread happiness, I may need to steer clear of the young ones.
Finally, I looked a bit into local area volunteer services. That could be anything from the local SPCA to the family center not too far away from here. Not really sure what I'd specifically like to do, but helping out locally is appealing.
I'll probably do a lot more research before I try to commit to something. In the meantime, I still would like to think I'm using my free time wisely. I also need to put some more miles on that library card of mine.
February 8, 2010 at 12:12 AM
I think local pet shelters (and there HAVE to be more than just the poodle shelter nearby, unless you only wanna do poodles) have lots of different opportunities to volunteer with them. Even like showing up and helping feeding the doggies and stuff. Maybe even kitties, but we'll take that one step at a time, /shudder. But like, I'd probably pick a generic shelter so there'd be doggies there I'd be less likely to wanna take home (good Lord, we know I've got enough rescues) mixed with the ones I might wanna take home. Might make it easier. I dunno. Still sucks seeing those sweeties who just wanna love you for the rest of their lives not get to love anyone.
February 11, 2010 at 9:46 PM
I agree with Kim, probably a good idea to just do general doggie helpfulness rather than strictly to poodles. Otherwise, you totally would fall in love!