Edo Invasion
A few weeks ago we noticed more people than usual gathering in Osu. After work, we took a walk to find out what was going on. As it turns out there was a cool parade and festivities to celebrate Japan during the Edo period.
Whenever there is a festival, it seems like hundreds of people turn out. This was no exception. It was neat to see the different period costumes, there were elites, servants, bodyguards, etc. Everyone was in character.I can't imagine how uncomfortable this woman must have been. She walked in the smallest of steps, always looking forward. At certain points during their parade, the women would pause and do a small dance with their feet. You can't see it in the picture, but the women are so much taller than the men because they are wearing platform wooden sandals about 8 inches thick. The guy behind her with his elbow bent is carrying a huge red umbrella that hung over her.
In the courtyard of Osu Kannon temple later that night, there was a performance done in the old style of Japanese theater. It's so nice to have these little surprises in our weekend entertainment! :)