Spotlight Sakae
written by Lexie
at Saturday, January 5, 2008

Nagoya is divided into neighborhoods, or sections, that are separately named and are known for a variety of things.
Sakae is one of these neighborhoods. In Sakae, there is a lot of shopping - the expensive kind. You can find a Calvin Klein store, a Louis Vitton store, Mikimoto, Adidas, and others. We like to window shop around, but generally speaking I don't intend to pay 50000yen for a pair of Levi's Silver Tab jeans. Being that it's an expensive area, it's also very clean and a good place to walk around.
Other than that, Sakae also has cool buildings and structures, such as TV tower, Oasis 21 (a bus station that looks like it's from the future. The upper portion is called the Aqua Spaceship), and ferris wheels. Below you can see a view of part of Sakae from the top of the Aqua Spaceship.

Finally, Sakae also has it's share of performance and entertainment. There are commonly singers who show up outside one of the larger department stores. In the picture below, you can see a Christmas performance made by some men. I have know idea who they are supposed to be, but there were a lot of families there, so I can only assume they are characters from some kids show or movie. These brave men in pink sang and danced their way across a pirate ship-stage for a few hours one weekend.

January 12, 2008 at 8:10 PM
That does look like a cool place to walk much in our money is 50000yen? Chris, thanks for the birthday wish when you were online with the way I had that neck fusion on the 7th of Dec. and I'm still wearing a brace around my neck when I go to work and take it off when I get home to give my neck a rest...I'm still pretty tender... Mom is having her remaining breast removed on Monday the 14th, there was a lump in it so she wanted the Dr. to remove it completely....Well that's about all that's going on here for now, Oh, Sandy had her Gall Bladder removed on guys have fun, we love and miss you bunches...Dad
January 14, 2008 at 9:57 AM
Men in pink huh? I bet they say they aren't acting gay too :) That's a lot of cash for jeans, though you can find them just as expensive back home... IF you wanted too. I think it'd be really neat to get to walk around a shopping area like that. It'd make me appreciate what I have more.
January 16, 2008 at 8:40 PM
Can you tell us about your first O ShoGatsu in Japan? We would love to know. Did you watch Kohaku Utagassen on New Year's Eve? Did you have Toshikoshi Soba (long life soba) on New Year's Eve? Did you enjoy New Year's food? Yoshi and I were very lucky this year because we were able to enjoy these things. Come heck or takai mizu, I will be in Japan for Jan 1, 2009.
We miss you here. No mini ice storms to report.
January 26, 2008 at 7:18 PM
50000 Yen is 500 dollars, roughly. Just a reminder, all comments can be read by anyone.
January 26, 2008 at 7:29 PM
Hey i just wanted to let you know that I thoroughly enjoy the postings.
Love ya