Texas -> California
This was a trying trip indeed. As I type this, I have just barely finished recovering from that travel trauma. The trip was long, 23 hours, the heat was constant but bearable, and the scenery was uneventful, but pleasant. We drove all the way through, from Frisco, TX to Los Angeles, CA. We remained fueled on energy drinks and snacks.
I think in total, I drank 4 energy drinks, some double sized, and 5 sodas. Plus, an awesome frozen cappuccino drink from QT. If you're planning on taking one of these trips yourself, I could advise a few things:
1. Don't do it, unless you are a glutton for punishment.
2. The speed limit in west Texas is now 80 between Odessa and El Paso on Highway 20, so everyone will do 90.
3. The road signs in Arizona lie. If you're looking for a Chick-fil-a you may not necessarily find one.
4. Don't get sucked into the signs in New Mexico, they are giant billboards along the highway that describe untold awesomeness, but result in:
October 21, 2007 at 11:18 AM
"...but result in..." LOL!